MilkyWay Home Entertainment

John Hayes, Founder and CEO

I want mental health treatment to be normal and not the exception.

Raising money for Mental Illness Awareness.

1) Raising money for those in the gray area of no job and no life insurance to cover out patient treatment cost.

2) Raising money for those with Mental Disability for housing cost.

3) Raising money for those who need a meal who are Mentally Disabled.

4) I believe a community building infrastructure for those who have mental disability.

5) I want those with Mental Disability to have somewhere comfortable, trustworthy and caring to go to after school.

6) Raise money for legal help for those who get in trouble due to their mental health disability.

Drop me an email that you support Mental Illness Awareness Fund Raiser, "".

Your mental health is important to you, your family, and your employer. Mental Health

We all have to be pro-active in supporting Mental Health Awareness

7) Building a safe enviroment community for those with mental health disabilities.

8) Raising emergency money for the next tragic event that cuases mental health harm.

9) Raise money for inpatient treatment for those without insurance, this is the most expensive cost.

10) Raise money for those who pursue degrees in the mental health field.

11) Raise money to hire those with Mental Health degrees and mental health certifications.

12) I want an enviroment where mental health disabilities is respected the same as physical disabilities.

Please CashApp any amount to "$alqpzm" for Mental Health Awarness support. Thank You for your generosity.

Click here to learn more about John Hayes, Founder and CEO of Milkyway Home Entertainment Learn more

I have very high goals to improve mental health for those with mental health disabilities.

Raise money to publish my book, "Living in the Shadows of Mental Illness".


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